Welcome October!

Hello, Fall! You are my most FAVORITE season! I'm looking forward to all the great things you'll bring, such as:
*a visit from Whitney
*Pumpkin spice lattes
*yummy scented candles
*comfy hoodies & sweatpants
*lazy Sundays falling asleep during football
*lovely leaves
*apple orchards, pumpkin patches and corn mazes
*Halloween (sorry, I love it!)
*my cousin's wedding and my first go as a Maid of Honor!
*spiced cider
*Christmas anticipation


Whitney said...

Yay for fall! We should go to a corn maze while I'm there. I also love the sweatpants and hoodies an falling asleep to football. It's bizarre but the sounds of bodies crunching together is soothing to my soul....

melissa o said...

Oh me too! Me too!!

Claire said...

Don't forget my BIRTHDAY! WOOO! ANd yes, I am very much with ya- Fall = total awesomeage.