I love Tchaikovsky

Oh Friends, I promise you there is more to my life than my cat's birthday, although not reflected in the content of my blog postings.

I have been a busy lil' worker bee of late, and am plum worn out when I get home at night. The computer screen is about the last thing I want to engage with after hours, and so I have been avoiding my computer (and thus, my blog) by dutifully reading The Other Boleyn Girl (quite enjoyable read) for book club, or else watching season one of The Tudors (also enjoyable, although there is frequent nudity).

Alas, I have finished with both, and so have turned my attention to music. Sometimes the shuffle setting on my ipod leads me to little discoveries, such as: I really love Tchaikovsky (he's not just for Christmas, you know). I derive such deep pleasure from his craft that even my nagging late afternoon headache has dissipated-- yeay for music!


melissa o said...

Ooooo maybe I will have to try that!!!

Whitney said...

I love my Whitney. And might I say in the words of several English teachers, you have a very strong voice in this blog entry. ;)