Babies Are Not Like Pets

This is objectionable on so many levels, I don't even know where to start...


ryann and jeff said...


Whitney C. said...

I especially enjoy the endorsement at the top from Cynthia Nixon, actress of Sex in the City fame, because 1) Playing make believe for a living makes you such an authority on parenthood, and 2) Sex in the City is such a great model of how to behave....

Whitney said...

Good God. I work with so many kids that are fucked up because they don't have daddies. Thanks to this book I'll have even more to deal with!

Whitney C. said...

And I personally know so many kids that are f'd up b/c of not having a Dad-- and in some cases, it couldn't be helped, but to purposefully bring a child into the world to raise alone is probably the most selfish thing a woman could do.

Claire said...

Oh WOW. But hey... who cares about the kid, right? It's all about what the woman wants right then. That's what is most important after all. DUH.