Got a feel for my automobile


Since I'm crummy at updating, many of you may not have known that I've been taking the bus to work for about, oh, 3 months. THREE MONTHS. It was getting old, let me tell you. Due to some boring and tedious circumstances I won't go into, neither my nor John's car were drivable the past few months. But now John's car is fixed, and I was able to drive to work today. It will be so nice to have my independence back, and not be at the mercy of Metro Transit's routes and schedules.

The bus wasn't terrible --I did enjoy being able to sleep on my way to work-- but it is definitely not my preferred method of transportation. Especially as the afternoon driver on my route must have paid someone off in order to get his job: the man cannot drive. He is by far the worst bus driver I've ever had. Sometimes I would work late just to avoid having to risk my life by riding his route.

In other news, I started working part time at the video store by my apartment in the beginning of October. The neighborhood the store is in is a bit "different", and we get some interesting (read: crazy) people in the store. I also discovered that the most annoying question to ask a video store clerk is: "Is this movie good?" Why is that the most annoying question? Because it presupposes that I've seen every damn movie in the store! No, sorry, I haven't seen Gwendoline but I'm sure it's greeeaaat...


Whitney said...

"Outrageous adventures in the Kingdom of Women" Sounds like a winner! I didn't know your car didn't work. At least you live close to a lot of stuff so it's not a huge deal not having a car. I'd seriously be in trouble