Beverly Strikes Again!

Check out this bit from The Bleat, the blog belonging to James Lileks (linked in my Favorite Sites section). He recently took a vacation to Disneyworld, and Epcot also has a Coke sampling area (it's more fun than the one in Vegas, b/c it's self serve and it's FREE):

"I enjoyed the Cokes From Around the World pavilion – a place where you could sample beverages produced by the Coca-Cola Sugar-Water Concern, free of charge. I got to sample Krest, a Mozambique fluid. It was ginger ale, more or less. But ginger ale from Mozambique! Of course, I had to take their word for it. Could have been Root Beer from Bongo Congo for all I knew. They also had something called “Beverly,” an Italian drink with a nasty bitter anise taste, and a Spanish fluid as sweet as the Pope’s tears. The drinks were free. You were gently encouraged to peruse the Coke-themed merch, but to my regret the items for sale lacked any foreign soda logos. Opportunity lost."

Beverly-- universally hated by Americans everywhere.


Whitney said...

How funny! I remember the Mozambique drink too. That green apple one was tasty. God I had a lot to drink that day...

Whitney C. said...

You did, and, you hung in there late into the evening/morning. Rally!

Claire said...

Yipes, Beverly was pretty nasty. Glad to hear it was not just the utahn/minnesotan tastebuds. I have to admit I never saw Beverly for sale in Italy though, just regular ol' Coke and loads of Fanta.

Whitney C. said...

Germans also loved the Fanta-- I was talked into getting a half Coke, half Fanta...wasn't very good.