Let them eat pretty cake

I've been having wedding nightmares (which would make more sense if I was actually engaged and planning one, but, whatever). I think it's rather telling that in the worst case scenario my subconscious created, the cake was ugly and the music was bad. That was enough to make me upset. Apparently those are my two main wedding concerns: cake and music. Sounds about right.


Claire said...

I never thought i was a wedding dreamer but lately I keep having dreams about my hair-- that it is all of a sudden frizzy platinum blonde with black roots and greasy... thanks to my stylist in the dream. Too bad I can't get a look at her face and use it as a warning!

And on that note... you're coming in August, yes?

Whitney C. said...

yes, I'm coming, and I'm looking forward to it very much! :)

melissa o said...

I have had so many awful wedding dreams in my day. Uggg. They have even started about Claire's wedding. :)

Pretty cake and good music - I think that sounds WONDERFUL.

Whitney said...

I'm no where near getting married yet I have dreams that I've given up and I'm marrying someone I don't really love....I wake up sick to my stomach