John and I have been discussing getting a friend for Smokey. The weekend before last we visited the Humane Society and met many nice mews that need homes. It was hard to see all those cats there, and to know that some of them might not find homes. I felt like I might cry the whole time I was there. There were some older cats, 7 or 9 years old, and I wanted to take them all home because I was worried no one else would. However, I don't think Smokey would like living with 12 other cats. Actually, I'm not sure how happy he'll be about one other cat... I wish I could ask him.

I thought a male, around one or two years old, would work out best. But John met a very pretty girl mew, and we considered her for a bit. She was tagged with the most unfortunate moniker: Football. She was far too pretty a kitty to be named Football! I wasn't sure how Smokey would get along with a girl, though. We left the Humane Society without adopting a mew, because we weren't sure yet what kind of cat would be best.

Then this past weekend we were vistitng John's sister Sue, and she asked us if we thought her little kitty Sidney was pregnant. We both said it looked like she was, and that we'd take one if she has a litter. Well, Sue called last night and said "my cat's in labor!" so, in a few weeks, I will have a kitten. I am worried that a kitten may annoy Smokey, or destroy my apartment, but there are already 4 cats living at Sue and Jackie's, so, these kittens will all need homes. I can't help feeling a little guilty about all those mews at the Humane Society, though... :(


Whitney said...

Yeay a new meow meow! I wish I could see it! I've been thinking about thinking about getting a kitty but I'd pester the hell out of it. Dogs tolerate me much more.

Whitney C. said...

I still really want to adopt an adult mew. I just don't think a kitten is a good fit for me right now. I might try to find someone to adopt Sue's kitten, but John objects, as he wants a kitten (of course).

Claire said...

Oh kitties! I am counting the days until I can get a kitter! And for the record and from vast experience (my family is crazed with cat folk) girl cats end up as a less-great choice than boys. I can list reasons, but it all depends on the cat, of course. But by far our BEST cats have been boys, and our WORST girls.... especially with the way they interact, and often cause the alpha male to "mark".. not fun.

I'm excited for you guys, whether you get a kitty or a more mature little cat!

Whitney C. said...

oooh, good to know about the marking-- that would NOT be pleasant. I heard that smell is nearly impossible to get rid of...