How Cold Is It?

Well, I have on two pairs of pants, and if I could have accomodated them, I would have added a third.

1. PJ Pants
2. Jeans

New Favorite Thing

Minute Rice Ready to Serve brown rice. It's quick (only one minute), easy (nothing to add), delicious, and good for you. I am terrible about bringing things to work for lunch. If I make my lunch ahead of time, I forget it at home. I always forget my lunch bag at work and wind up w/moldy disgusting Gladware. But this-- so easy.

Kitty Love

Aww, how handsome is Cornflake? He's almost a full grown cat now...


Me on my birthday last year:

Me on my birthday this year:

Last year's picture would have been vastly improved had it featured a cupcake, no?

Happy Birthday to This Guy

I kind of like him.

I love you Fug Girls!

I have extolled the hilarity of the lovely ladies who created Go Fug Yourself, Jessica and Heather, many times before on this blog. Here is just another example of why I think they are my cyber bff's:

Still, at least Katie Holmes is interesting to talk about these days. In all the years I watched Dawson's Creek, I never particularly thought Joey Potter would ever make me think. She would make me enraged, irritated, annoyed, and at times murderous -- between Dawson and Pacey, or anyone and Pacey, THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS PACEY, fool --

I was just talking about Pacey this morning on the way to work! The answer is, indeed, always Pacey-- and speaking of Pacey, if the writer's strike ever ends, he is going to guest on some episodes of Grey's Anatomy. I haven't watched that show since it's first season, but you best believe I'll tune in for the Pacey episodes.