Who's Ready for Christmas?

These guys are!

We made these masterpieces!

More to come...

"It's a Major Award! I won it!"

I got a phone call from the Regional Vice President this morning-- I have never gotten a call from her, so when I saw her name on my caller ID I immediately thought "Good Lord, what did I do?" She called to tell me I am the recipient of the 4th Quarter Special Achievement Award! I am totally shocked-- whenever they send out the emails about this stuff, I always figure "ah, I'll never be nominated for that," so I'm pretty amazed that I was nominated, let alone that they selected me. It's really nice. I'm the kind of person that appreciates a pat on the back, so it means a lot to hear I'm doing a good job. Plus the bonus money is nice, too, especially this time of year.

Two down. Ten more to go.

I KNEW I forgot to do something before I left the house this morning! Before I talked to John, I thought it was that I had forgotten to make my lunch. John just called me and told me that two Christmas ornaments were broken when he got up this morning, and then I remembered: I forgot to put the tree away before I left for work.

We just decorated our little tree last night, and already there's two casualties. Damn kitties! Actually, that should be singular, as in damn cat, Smokey. As soon as the tree was decorated he was right there, trying to bite (!) the ornaments and chew on the (fake) tree. Idiot. Cornflake just wanted to be near the tree-- either he saw all the flak Smokey was getting and decided he wanted no part of that, or he's not as DUMB as Smokey and didn't think glass would be tasty.

There are some ornaments that aren't glass, so they should be fine. We'll see what's left when I get home. I suppose it's too much to expect a cat not to be attracted to shiny, round things dangling on a tree. Sigh.

Smelly Cat

Cornflake is Smelly Cat. He has the worst gas EVER. He eats the same food as Smokey, so I don't know what his problem is, but it's gross. He will come over to me, all cute and "mew, mew, mew" and then will drop a bomb and run off. He is getting coal in his stocking if he keeps this up!

Water Pets, or: The Bane of My Existence

The jingle from this commercial has stayed lodged in my brain for, oh, almost 20 years now. No one at work remembers it, or the Water Pets toys, but my brain refuses to forget that cursed jingle.